This exercise will help you identify the limiting beliefs that might be holding you back in key areas of your life. By focusing on the sections of your Wheel of Life where you feel least satisfied, you can begin to uncover the thoughts and beliefs that are contributing to these feelings. Set aside some quiet time, grab your journal, and let’s explore these beliefs.

Please reference this link for the Wheel of Life exercise.

Step 1: Review Your Wheel of Life Results

Step 2: Reflect on Low Satisfaction Areas

Step 3: Uncover the Limiting Beliefs Related to Each Area

Step 4: Explore the Origins of These Beliefs

Step 5: Identify Patterns Across Different Areas


This exercise is about uncovering the hidden beliefs that may be holding you back. By identifying these beliefs, you’re taking the first step in understanding how they impact your satisfaction and fulfillment in different areas of your life. Awareness is the first step toward change, and recognizing these limiting beliefs will help you gain clarity on what’s been standing in your way. Take your time with this exercise, and remember, this is a journey of self-discovery and growth.